Join The Fight
Over 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer annually.
Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease for children in developed countries.
Even with advances in treatment 1 out of 5 children diagnosed with cancer in developed countries will not survive.
Because of the treatments they had as kids, more than 99% of childhood cancer survivors have a chronic health problem and 96% have severe or life-threatening conditions.
Only 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s budget is dedicated towards pediatric cancer, leaving the majority of childhood cancer research to be funded through philanthropy.
These are just a few quick facts, but they tell the story of a disease that is taking our children from us at a rate greater than any other. It’s a disease that leaves its young survivors with a myriad of medical complications that will affect them for the rest of their lives. It’s a disease that will very likely affect the life of some child you know and care about. And despite all of these harrowing facts, it’s a disease that receives a tiny fraction of government funding, little media attention, and minimal research resources.
Pediatric cancer will affect us all at some point, and, more importantly, impacts the lives of thousands of children this very moment. There is a small army of very smart and passionate scientists who have dedicated their lives to researching this disease, but their work is severely underfunded and can only continue on with the generosity of the community around them. If better treatments and improved cure rates for pediatric cancer are to come, they will be achieved because ordinary people stepped up and decided that the status quo wasn’t good enough, and that our children deserve better.
While we need research to create a better future for pediatric cancer patients, we still must face the reality that thousands of families are dealing with a diagnosis right now. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it turns. a family’s life upside down. Hospitalizations and clinic visits put life and work on hold, jobs and income are lost, medical bills pile up, and that doesn’t even factor in the stress and heartache of having a sick child. Even the best insurance plan can’t begin to clean up the wreckage that lies in the wake of a pediatric cancer diagnosis.
With all of this in mind, we have decided to donate a portion of the proceeds from the Nerdy Nuggets sale to two organizations.
Tackle Kids Cancer will receive our funds dedicated to supporting pediatric cancer research.
The P4 Foundation will receive our funds directed towards financially supporting families living with a pediatric cancer diagnosis.
10% of all sales will go towards funding these two organizations, with the goal of doubling the donation to 20% of sales at sell-out!